Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lies of Alfassa

One of the hazards of being loved by people as Rabbi Kimmel is, is there there is always some idiot egomaniac who wants to become famous by trashing someone who is loved. One person who in my opinion is behaving as a sick person and who loves to trash Rabbi Kimmel is a guy who hides behind his mother's maiden name, Shelomo Alfassa.

Shelomo has gone out of his way to attack Kabbalists he hates including Rabbi Kimmel. The question I had is why does he hate them with such a passion? Here's what I've been told.

Shelomo has been engaged at least 5 times but has never been able to withhold his explosive abusive tendencies long enough to even get to the Chupah.

2 girls have told me personally about how he starts off as a very charming and helpful person who seems to be a great help, at first, but it comes at a price. If he helps you he owns you. One of these girls was conflicted. Alfassa wanted her to marry him. Just to make sure she went to Rabbi Kimmel and asked what he thought of the match. Rabbi Kimmel asked her. "Isn't he abusive to you even now?" She said "Yes, but I was hoping that once we were married those tendencies would go away."

The Rabbi reminded her that abusive men get more abusive after marriage and the girl broke off the engagement. She told Alfassa that she could not marry him especially without Rabbi Kimmel's blessing. I'm told this was the second time a Kabbalist told a girl not to marry Alfassa because of his explosive temper. No wonder the egomaniacal Shelomo Alfassa hates Kabbalists. They keep exposing him!

In a separate post I will expose specifically his open lies about Rabbi Kimmel.

The People Rabbi Kimmel Helped

Rabbi Kimmel has changed the lives of thousands of people so last year I undertook a project. Why not get people to tell their Rabbi Kimmel stories on video? So far I've filmed over 30 people. About 10 of them appear in this video. Their stories are amazing and you will see nothing else like it. See it now and be amazed!